Class 11 Science and Commerce

Class 11 Science and Commerce

Physics, Chemistry, Math, Accountancy, Economics, Biology & English

Class 11 is the entry to the Senior Secondary Level of education in CBSE. Here students experience an in-depth understanding of topics/terms which were just about introduced in the earlier classes.

Students not only study subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology in-depth but are also introduced to newer subjects like Accountancy, Business Studies, etc. Clarity of concepts and continuous practice is necessary to perform well in the examination since class 11th is a base for class 12 board examination. Analytical subjects like Accountancy, Physics, and Mathematics should be thoroughly practiced and focused upon. Concepts and theories of subjects like Economics, Chemistry, Biology, Political Science, and Business Studies Pol. Science should be clear.

Teachers at Smart Tutorials play a very important role in building the concepts of students at this level. They will be focusing on each and every student and help them in clearing their doubts and queries through scheduled doubt sessions at our tuition center. In order to check the progress of the students, regular revision and tests will be conducted having a cumulative syllabus.

Category : CBSE Class: 11

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