CBSE Class 8th 9th

CBSE Class 8th 9th

CBSE Class: 8th - 9th

Math, Science, English & Social Studies

Classes 8th -10th are stepping stone to the higher classes. There is a need for a larger focus in class 9 as compared to the earlier classes. The entire curriculum has a complete change in the level of many subjects. In subjects like Mathematics, the syllabus has divisions on the lines of Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, etc which has chapters of high volume and deeper concepts where students for the first time learn the art of proving theorems, riders, etc. In the case of Science, as against the system of general Science textbook up till class 8, the syllabus and course structure get a makeover in the senior wing in the form of three designated subjects namely Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. There is also a change in the way an exam is approached in class 8th - 9th . For the first time ever a student goes through the experience of writing a complete syllabus examination.

Category : CBSE Class: 8th - 9th

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